Academics » Our Approach

Our Approach

Children are the focus of our families, and therefore are the primary focus of our schools. Families are the building block of a community. By lifting families, we can build strong communities. YPICS looks at the needs of students through a parent’s eyes in order to make the hopes and dreams for our students a reality. We provide a positive, just, equitable, diverse, and inclusive culture. Our schools are focused on supporting families to help their children succeed in life by ensuring access to a high quality rigorous education and by providing a positive culture in a public school setting.


All YPI Charter Schools focus on on four hallmarks:

  1. Project Based Learning
  2. Service Learning, 
  3. Enhanced Learning, and
  4. Parent and Community Engagement

We prepare all students to “CRACLL” or to be College/Career Ready, Active Citizens, and Life Long Learners.

Take a look at this video to learn more about our school community.